Welcome to Lims Bona Dea Beach Hotel!

Here you will find information about the services provided by the hotel.
We wish you a pleasant stay!
Some of the listed services are provided by contracted companies, and the hotel is not responsible for any inconveniences that may arise during the provision of these services.
· In-room safe (€2 per day)
· Billiards (€2 per hour)
· International telephone and fax
· Laundry and ironing
· Doctors, nurses, and medical services (24-hour medical service and emergency assistance)

For these services, please contact the reception.
· Turkish coffee (€5)
· Freshly squeezed orange juice (€3)
· Foreign alcoholic beverages and cocktails
· All drinks from 24:00 to 10:00

For these services, please visit the hotel bars.
· Car and bicycle rentals

For this service, please visit the rental service located to the right of the hotel exit.
Free Services
· Turkish Bath - Hammam
· Sauna

Paid Services
· Classic Massage
· Thai Massage
· Regional Massage
· Skin Care
· Relaxing Massage
· Scrub - Foam
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